Do you sell Earthbath's product?

Yes, we do. We have 3 different types of wipes available. 

Earthbath Ear Wipes are a fast, convenient way to keep your pet's ears free of wax and discharge which can cause infections and odor. Our wipes contain witch hazel, a natural cleanser and astringent, plus a sumptuous mix of nature's finest plant extracts with gentle therapeutic and deodorizing properties. Safe for all dogs, cats and other furry pets over 6 weeks old. Naturally fragrance-free.

A natural approach: Earth bath eye wipes are a fast, convenient way to keep the area around your pet's eyes clean and free of stains, dirt and secretion and other general discharge.  These eye wipes are hypo -allergenic and fragrance-free for safety. Safe for all dogs, cats and toher furry pets over 6 weeks ol.d Will not remove spot flea treatments.

Use Earthbath grooming wipes Hypo allergenic with Awapuhi to safely and easily wipe away dirt and odor between baths.


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